php - How insert data to database using opencart? -
i begginer open cart, , try build sub menu in panel admin, file name item.php, trying insert database (head_text_field,title_text_field , max) & (table show_product), try follow insert data database codeigniter , still error, error call undefined method db::insert() model\item\item.php edit part 1: when remove code in model: return $this->db->insert('show_product', $data); and change code : $this->db->query("insert into" . db_prefix . "show_product set head_text = '" . $this->db->escape($data['head_text_field']) . "', title_text = '" . $this->db->escape($data['title_text_field']) . "', max_item = '" . $this->db->escape($data['max']) . "'"); it's work in database still empty ??? this controller in (controller/item/item.php) class controlleritemitem extends controller { //controller/item/item.php private $error = array(); publ...