php - Get events from Facebook user logged to website through SocialPlugin -

i'm developing wordpress website. made login users socialplugin (with service). great! however, want events facebook users logged website (events created user or other friends). have found many example using facebook sdk php, empty array().

so, think there trouble using appid , secretid used login website through service.

i've used code:

global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo();  $userurl = $current_user->user_url;  $graphuserurl = str_replace("www","graph",$userurl); $fbuserdata = json_decode(file_get_contents($graphuserurl,0,null,null));  //print_r($fbuserdata); //echo $fbuserdata->id; right userid  $appid = "myappid"; // data used login $appsecret = "mysecretid"; // data used login  $facebook = new facebook(array(     'appid'  => $appid,     'secret' => $appsecret,     'cookie' => true ));  $fqleventsquery = "select name, pic, start_time, end_time, location, description     event      eid = " . $fbuserdata->id . "      , start_time >= now()      order start_time desc";  $params = array(     'method'=>'fql.query',     'query'=>$fqleventsquery,     'callback'=>'' );  $fqlresults = $facebook->api($params);  print_r($fqlresults); 

in example, empty array(). wrong?


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