php - XML feed for Wordpress Social Board plugin modifications -
at work, i've been tasked modifying wordpress social board plugin duplicating rss feed functionality display xml feed specific our calendaring system.
for example, our xml feed outputs:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <events> <event> <eventid>1449080815796</eventid> <sponsorid>14</sponsorid> <inputsponsor>administration</inputsponsor> <displayedsponsor>lesbian, gay, bisexual, , transgender (lgbt) resource center, division of student affairs</displayedsponsor> <displayedsponsorurl></displayedsponsorurl> <date>2016-01-25</date> <timebegin>18:00</timebegin> <timeend>20:00</timeend> <repeat_vcaldef></repeat_vcaldef> <repeat_startdate></repeat_startdate> <repeat_enddate></repeat_enddate> <categoryid>119</categoryid> <category>diversity</category> <title>new 2 'quse discussion group</title> <description>new 2 'quse discussion group students new su/esf , lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, , ally (lgbtqa) campus communities.</description> <location>lgbt resource center (750 ostrom)</location> <price></price> <contact_name>abby fite</contact_name> <contact_phone>443-3983</contact_phone> <contact_email></contact_email> <url></url> <recordchangedtime>2015-12-02 13:26:55</recordchangedtime> <recordchangeduser>dsalgbt2</recordchangeduser> </event> </events>
there 1 place in code formats rss feed:
elseif ( $feed_class == 'rss' ) { $rss_output = (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_output']) ? $this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_output'] : array('title' => true, 'thumb' => true, 'text' => true, 'user' => true, 'tags' => false, 'share' => true, 'info' => true); $iframe = @$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_iframe']; $fcount = 0; if ( $channel = @$feed->channel ) { // rss if (@$channel->item) foreach($channel->item $item) { $link = @$item->link; if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) { $fcount++; $thumb = $url = ''; foreach($item->children('media', true)->thumbnail $thumbnail) { $thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url; } if ( ! $thumb) { foreach($item->children('media', true)->content $content) { $thumb = $content->children('media', true)->thumbnail->attributes()->url; if (@$content->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $url = @$content->attributes()->url; } } if ( ! $thumb) { if (@$item->enclosure->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $thumb = @$item->enclosure->attributes()->url; } if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) foreach($item->category $category) { $cats[] = (string) $category; } // set snippet or full text $text = $description = ''; if (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_text']) $description = $item->description; else $description = (@$item->children("content", true)->encoded) ? $item->children("content", true)->encoded : $item->description; if (@$description) { $description = preg_replace("/<script.*?\/script>/s", "", $description); if (@$attr['words']) { if ( ! $thumb) { $thumb = sb_getsrc($description); } $text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link); } else { $text = $description; } } if ($iframe) { if ( ! $url) $url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : ''; } $sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->pubdate, $link); $itemdata = array( 'thumb' => (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '', 'thumburl' => $url, 'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($item->title) : $item->title) . '</a>', 'text' => $text, 'tags' => @implode(', ', $cats), 'url' => $link, 'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '', 'date' => $item->pubdate, 'user' => array( 'name' => $channel->title, 'url' => $channel->link, 'image' => @$channel->image->url ), 'type' => 'pencil', 'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0]) ); $final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); if ( isset($slideshow) ) { $itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description); if ($url) $itemdata['thumb'] = $url; $finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); } if ( $fcount >= $results ) break; } } } elseif ( $entry = @$feed->entry ) { // atom // feed link foreach($feed->link $link) { if ($link->attributes()->rel == 'alternate') $user_url = $link->attributes()->href; } foreach($feed->entry $item) { $link = @$item->link[0]->attributes()->href; if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) { $fcount++; $title = (string) $item->title; $thumb = $url = ''; foreach($item->media $thumbnail) { $thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url; } if ( ! $thumb) { foreach($item->link $linkitem) { if (@$linkitem->attributes()->rel == 'enclosure') { if (@$linkitem->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $thumb = @$content->attributes()->url; } } } $cats = ''; if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) { foreach($item->category $category) { $cats .= $category->attributes()->term.', '; } $cats = rtrim($cats, ", "); } // set snippet or full text $text = $description = ''; if (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_text']) { $description = (string) $item->summary; } else { $content = (string) @$item->content; $description = ($content) ? $content : (string) $item->summary; } if (@$description) { if (@$attr['words']) { if ( ! $thumb) { $thumb = sb_getsrc($description); } $text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link); } else { $text = $description; } } if ($iframe) $url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : ''; $sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->published, $link); $itemdata = array( 'thumb' => @$thumb, 'thumburl' => $url, 'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($title) : $title) . '</a>', 'text' => @$text, 'tags' => @$cats, 'url' => $link, 'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '', 'date' => $item->published, 'user' => array( 'name' => $feed->title, 'url' => @$user_url, 'image' => @$feed->logo ), 'type' => 'pencil', 'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0]) ); $final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); if ( isset($slideshow) ) { $itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description); if ($url) $itemdata['thumb'] = $url; $finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); } if ( $fcount >= $results ) break; } } } }
i've duplicated code feed class , modified, not pulling values seems:
elseif ( $feed_class == 'dsa' ) { $rss_output = (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_output']) ? $this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_output'] : array('title' => true, 'thumb' => true, 'text' => true, 'user' => true, 'tags' => false, 'share' => true, 'info' => true); $iframe = @$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_iframe']; $fcount = 0; if ( $channel = @$feed->events ) { // rss if (@$channel->event) foreach($channel->event $item) { $link = @$item->displayedsponsorurl; if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) { $fcount++; $thumb = $url = ''; foreach($item->children('media', true)->thumbnail $thumbnail) { $thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url; } if ( ! $thumb) { foreach($item->children('media', true)->content $content) { $thumb = $content->children('media', true)->thumbnail->attributes()->url; if (@$content->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $url = @$content->attributes()->url; } } if ( ! $thumb) { if (@$item->enclosure->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $thumb = @$item->enclosure->attributes()->url; } if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) foreach($item->category $category) { $cats[] = (string) $category; } // set snippet or full text $text = $description = ''; if (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_text']) $description = $item->description; else $description = (@$item->children("content", true)->encoded) ? $item->children("content", true)->encoded : $item->description; if (@$description) { $description = preg_replace("/<script.*?\/script>/s", "", $description); if (@$attr['words']) { if ( ! $thumb) { $thumb = sb_getsrc($description); } $text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link); } else { $text = $description; } } if ($iframe) { if ( ! $url) $url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : ''; } $sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->pubdate, $link); $itemdata = array( 'thumb' => (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '', 'thumburl' => $url, 'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($item->title) : $item->title) . '</a>', 'text' => $text, 'tags' => @implode(', ', $cats), 'url' => $link, 'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '', 'date' => $item->date, 'user' => array( 'name' => $channel->title, 'url' => $channel->link, 'image' => @$channel->image->url ), 'type' => 'pencil', 'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0]) ); $final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); if ( isset($slideshow) ) { $itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description); if ($url) $itemdata['thumb'] = $url; $finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); } if ( $fcount >= $results ) break; } } } elseif ( $entry = @$feed->entry ) { // atom // feed link foreach($feed->link $link) { if ($link->attributes()->rel == 'alternate') $user_url = $link->attributes()->href; } foreach($feed->entry $item) { $link = @$item->link[0]->attributes()->href; if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) { $fcount++; $title = (string) $item->title; $thumb = $url = ''; foreach($item->media $thumbnail) { $thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url; } if ( ! $thumb) { foreach($item->link $linkitem) { if (@$linkitem->attributes()->rel == 'enclosure') { if (@$linkitem->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg') $thumb = @$content->attributes()->url; } } } $cats = ''; if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) { foreach($item->category $category) { $cats .= $category->attributes()->term.', '; } $cats = rtrim($cats, ", "); } // set snippet or full text $text = $description = ''; if (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_text']) { $description = (string) $item->summary; } else { $content = (string) @$item->content; $description = ($content) ? $content : (string) $item->summary; } if (@$description) { if (@$attr['words']) { if ( ! $thumb) { $thumb = sb_getsrc($description); } $text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link); } else { $text = $description; } } if ($iframe) $url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : ''; $sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->published, $link); $itemdata = array( 'thumb' => @$thumb, 'thumburl' => $url, 'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($title) : $title) . '</a>', 'text' => @$text, 'tags' => @$cats, 'url' => $link, 'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '', 'date' => $item->published, 'user' => array( 'name' => $feed->title, 'url' => @$user_url, 'image' => @$feed->logo ), 'type' => 'pencil', 'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0]) ); $final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); if ( isset($slideshow) ) { $itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description); if ($url) $itemdata['thumb'] = $url; $finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi); } if ( $fcount >= $results ) break; } } } }
i apologize being highly specific question. inexperienced php, wordpress plugins , have been tasked working asap...
am missing operators not pulling in values? haven't set values yet, i'm modifying ones exist before moving onto adding anything.
there no direct errors logs pulled, believe it's not pulling in right values, i'm not sure how fix that.
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