excel - Delete set number of characters following the first character -

i have dummy emails long. want shorten them don't want delete first parenthesis.

"est@scelerisque.ca" "fermentum@fringillacursus.edu" "adipiscing@arcuvivamussit.com" "vitae.aliquet@sed.edu" "magna.tellus@nullamnisl.com" "placerat.eget@purusnullam.org"

is possible me delete example first 3 letters after (") , next 3 letters after @ , stop @ dot?

as ask this, sounds complicated. may use same email users since it's dummy data :/

if have 1 email in each cell, can create excel formula convert email values you.

delete 3 letters after ":

=char(34) & mid(a1, 5, len(a1))

(using result of previous formula in b1): skip 3 letters after @:

=mid(b1, 1, find("@", b1)) & (mid(b1, find("@", b1)+4, len(b1)))

(using result of previous formula in c1): stop @ dot (also keep " @ end):

=mid(c1, 1, find(".",c1)-1 ) & char(34)


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