jquery - date time and alphabet wise sort in html table using javascript -

hi new web page developer, need sort table in date wise , alphabet wise on click of table header

enter image description here

this table.... data's inside table generated dynamically using ajax....

my need is

  • on click of date header should sort according date
  • on click of notify header should sort according alphabet

please give ideas or suggestions .......

i made example using jquery library, , added in http://jsfiddle.net/burg4/2/

jquery selector returns array object, has native array sort function .

$('table tbody tr').sort( function( , b ) {       // compare here }); 

hope helps ..

copy , paste following code file .. rename test.html

<html>     <head>        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>      </head>     <body>         <table border="1">             <thead>                 <tr>                     <th data-key="id" data-column="0" data-order="asc">id</th>                     <th data-key="date" data-column="1" data-order="asc">date</th>                     <th data-key="notify" data-column="2" data-order="asc">notify</th>                  </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>                 <tr>                     <td>1</td>                     <td>31-03-2013 06:12:57 pm</td>                     <td>gold</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                     <td>2</td>                     <td>31-03-2013 06:14:57 pm</td>                     <td>diamond</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                     <td>3</td>                     <td>31-03-2013 06:10:57 pm</td>                     <td>silver</td>                 </tr>             </tbody>         </table>             <script type="text/javascript">              function getdate( str ) {                  var ar =  /(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([am|pm]+)/                       .exec( str )                   return new date(                     (+ar[3]),                     (+ar[2])-1, // careful, month starts @ 0!                     (+ar[1]),                     (+ar[4])+ ( ar[7]=='pm'? 12 :0 ),                     (+ar[5]),                     (+ar[6])                 );             };              $( function(){                   var sorter = {                      order   : [1,-1],                     column  : 0 ,                     key     :'id' ,                      setorder : function( k ){                          this.order  = ({                              asc :[1,-1], desc:[-1,1]                          })[k] || this.order ;                          return this;                     },                     setcolumn : function( c ){                          this.column  = c || this.column ;                         return this;                     },                      setkey : function( k ) {                         this.key  = k || this.key;                         return this;                     },                      sort : function( els ) {                          var sortfunc = this.key;                          return els.sort( this[ sortfunc ]);                             },                      getvalue : function( a, b ){                          return {                             : $(a).find('td:eq('+ sorter.column +')').text(),                             b : $(b).find('td:eq('+ sorter.column+')').text()                         }                     },                     comp : function( val ) {                              if ( val.a == val.b ) {                                 return 0;                             }                              return  val.a > val.b ?                                      sorter.order[0]:sorter.order[1] ;                       },                     id : function( , b ){                              var val = sorter.getvalue(a,b);                              val.a = parseint( val.a , 10 );                             val.b = parseint( val.b , 10 );                              return sorter.comp( val );                              },                      notify : function( , b ){                              var val = sorter.getvalue(a,b);                             return sorter.comp( val );                                 },                     date : function( , b ){                              var val = sorter.getvalue(a,b);                              val.a = getdate( val.a );                             val.b = getdate( val.b );                              return sorter.comp( val );                       }                 }                  $('table thead').on('click', 'th', function(){                          var sorted = sorter.setorder( $(this).attr('data-order') )                                            .setcolumn( $(this).attr('data-column') )                                            .setkey( $(this).attr('data-key') )                                            .sort(  $('table tbody tr') );                           $('table tbody').empty().append( sorted );                            $('table thead th').not( )                                            .attr('data-order' ,'asc');                          $(this).attr(                             'data-order',                               ( $(this).attr('data-order') == 'asc' ? 'desc' :'asc')                          );                  });             });         </script>      </body> </html>    


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