javascript - In Webpack, how to enable a plugin according to command line parameters? -

following plugin property webpack.config.js:

plugins: [     new webpack.provideplugin({         $: 'jquery',         jquery: 'jquery'     }),     new webpack.optimize.occurenceorderplugin(),     new webpack.defineplugin({         'process.env': {             'node_env': json.stringify('production'),         }     }),     new webpack.optimize.uglifyjsplugin({         compressor: {             warnings: false         }     }),     new compressionplugin({         asset: '{file}',         algorithm: 'gzip',         regexp: /\.js$|\.html$/,     }) ], 

sometimes want disable compressionplugin while want enable it. however, looks clumsy create 2 webpack config files. wondering whether there way enable/disable plugin dynamically using command line parameters?

for example, great if can use webpack --disable-compression-plugin disable compressionplugin. have ideas this?

try yargs npm module this:

npm install yargs --save-dev 

in webpack.config.js:

var webpack = require('webpack'); var yargs  = require("yargs"); ...  var argv = yargs     .boolean("disable-compression-plugin")     .argv; ...  // use argv.disablecompressionplugin check option  module.exports = {     ...     plugins: (function(argv) {          var plugins = [             new webpack.provideplugin({                 $: 'jquery',                 jquery: 'jquery'             }),             new webpack.optimize.occurenceorderplugin(),             new webpack.defineplugin({                 'process.env': {                     'node_env': json.stringify('production'),                 }             }),             new webpack.optimize.uglifyjsplugin({                 compressor: {                     warnings: false                 }             })         ];           // here option condition         if (argv.disablecompressionplugin) {             plugins.push(new compressionplugin({                 asset: '{file}',                 algorithm: 'gzip',                 regexp: /\.js$|\.html$/,             }));         }          return plugins;     })(argv),     ... }; 


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