regex - htaccess rule delimiters and params for smooth urls -

i'm trying use htaccess rewrite rules create smooth urls. user can call example , code user called

here htaccess code:

rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d  rewriterule ^([^/]*/)?([^/]*)/?$ ./index.php?p1=$1&p2=$2 [qsa,l] 

i want user can leave additional params after page , last slash, .../demo/login/ , .../demo/login work. if there no last slash (/) login not in first param in second.

compare: vs.

try demo here:

but according regex-tester should work:

how can solve problem?

you need use qsa flag append query strings target url.

rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d  rewriterule ^([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)/?$ ./index.php?p1=$1&p2=$2 [qsa,l] 

the third perm automatically appended qsa flag.


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