TFS build 2015 fails to trigger coded ui tests - part of continuous integration process -
we have come across issue tfs build fails trigger coded ui tests, based on how test settings file specified in build definition.
we have been unable codedui test project run. goal have run on separate machine (virtual machine). have configured test controller , agent on vm. have set run interactive process. when run build partially succeeds , following test error reported
the failure message returned below:
mstestadapter failed discover tests in class ‘mvc_test.mvctest_cui’ of assembly ‘c:\builds\1\test_coe\mvcappframework\bin\mvc_test.dll’. reason not load file or assembly ‘microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.codeduitestframework, version= culture =neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified..
setup / environment details:
visual studio 2015 ultimate
tfs server 2015
agents visual studio 2015(test controller , test agents)
test agent installed interactive process coded ui tests
your codedui tests written in 2013 version of vs. believe have 2 options:
- install agents visual studio 2013 on test agent
- use binding redirects automatically use newer version described in tfs 2010 2015 upgrade: codedui feature test builds blog post
- you try upgrading codedui dlls vs2015 versions (
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