url - How to convert my curl to Objective-C -

i working on objective-c language , need fire curl objective-c.

my curl is:

curl https://api.start.payfort.com/tokens/ \     -u test_open_k_91ffe6d8f9efe14fcc91: \     -d "number=4242424242424242" \     -d "exp_month=11" \     -d "exp_year=2016" \     -d "cvc=123" \     -d "name=sapana" 

please me how convert url in objective-c , fire url.

i tried other way return response like:

{     error =     {         code = "not_found";         extras =         {             "request_id" = "f8e70bf6-9391-49b0-9403-06cc9485c021";             time = "2016-01-27t11:10:31z";         };         message = "not found";         type = processing;     }; } 

it's work me. swift

func cardsendtopayfort(number:string, exp_month:string, exp_year:string, cvc:string, name:string, completion: ((success: bool, json: nsdictionary?) -> void)) {     let username = "test_open_k_91ffe6d8f9efe14fcc91"    let password = ""    let loginstring = nsstring(format: "%@:%@", username, password)    let logindata: nsdata = loginstring.datausingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding)!    let base64loginstring = logindata.base64encodedstringwithoptions(nsdatabase64encodingoptions.encoding64characterlinelength)     let orderurl = nsurl(string: "https://api.start.payfort.com/tokens/")    let request = nsmutableurlrequest(url: orderurl!)     request.setvalue("basic \(base64loginstring)", forhttpheaderfield: "authorization")     let poststring = "number=\(number)&exp_month=\(exp_month)&exp_year=\(exp_year)&cvc=\(cvc)&name=\(name)"    //let poststring = "number=4242424242424242&exp_month=11&exp_year=2016&cvc=123&name=sapana"     request.httpbody = poststring.datausingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding)    request.httpmethod = "post"     let session = nsurlsession.sharedsession()     let task = session.datataskwithrequest(request) { (data, response, error) -> void in         if let httpstatus = response as? nshttpurlresponse httpstatus.statuscode != 201 {            print("statuscode should 201, \(httpstatus.statuscode)")            print("response = \(response)")             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()){                completion(success: false, json: nil)            }         } else {            let responsestring = string(data: data!, encoding: nsutf8stringencoding)             let jsondata = responsestring?.datausingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding, allowlossyconversion: false)            let json = try! nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(jsondata!, options: nsjsonreadingoptions.mutablecontainers) as! nsdictionary             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()){                 completion(success: true, json: json)            }        }     }    task.resume()  } 


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