c# - Create controltemplate in code, how to specify the converter in the binding -
i checked these answers, none had information i'm looking for:
how setup wpf datatemplate in code treeview?
how set control template in code?
create controltemplate programmatically in wpf
here gist of code:
datagridtextcolumn col = new datagridtextcolumn(); style styl = null; // need add on per-column basis // <common:requiredpropertydisplaybrushconverter x:key="requireddisplaybrushconverter" /> string xaml = "<controltemplate targettype=\"{x:type datagridcell}\"> <textbox background=\"{binding relativesource={relativesource templatedparent}, path=content.text, converter={staticresource requireddisplaybrushconverter} > </textbox> </controltemplate>"; memorystream sr = new memorystream(encoding.ascii.getbytes(xaml)); parsercontext pc = new parsercontext(); pc.xmlnsdictionary.add("", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"); pc.xmlnsdictionary.add("x", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"); controltemplate ct = (controltemplate)xamlreader.load(sr, pc); styl.setters.add(new setter(templateproperty, ct)); col.cellstyle = styl;
in controltemplate, binding refers converter mentioned in comments. when converter defined in xaml resource datagrid, runtime error: {"cannot find resource named 'requireddisplaybrushconverter'. resource names case sensitive."}
can add resource column? or add datagrid's resources @ runtime?
or there other technique?
you can add xaml you'll need rearrange it. resource need defined before can use it. means background need defined child tag.
change xaml this:
string xaml = "<controltemplate targettype=\"{x:type datagridcell}\"><textbox><textbox.resources><common:requiredpropertydisplaybrushconverter x:key=\"requireddisplaybrushconverter\" /></textbox.resources><textbox.background><binding relativesource=\"{relativesource templatedparent}\" path=\"content.text\" converter=\"{staticresource requireddisplaybrushconverter}\"/></textbox.background></textbox></controltemplate>";
and you'll need define common namespace. add after other namespaces (with correct namespace/assembly, of course):
pc.xmlnsdictionary.add("common", "clr-namespace:wpfapplication;assembly=wpfapplication");
or, add resource app.xaml, if option.
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