java - Moving a focus to Next JTextfield when it crosses it Jtextfieldlimit -

i'm working design license activation part. had 2 text fields in java swing.

java code:

jtextfield1.setdocument(new jtextfieldlimit(8));    jtextfield2.setdocument(new jtextfieldlimit(8)); 

when jtextfield1 ended entering 8 alphanumeric characters. had move focus next jtextfield2 automatically.are there default methods available or how can done.

the basic answer question is, keyboardfocusmanager#focusnextcompnent

the longer answer more complicated.

lets start fact java 1.4, no longer required or recommended utilise document functionality, instead use documentfilter, see implementing document filter , documentfilter examples more details

i prefer reusable , configurable solutions, end, i'd prefer see solution allowed me change decision making processes involved in deciding when focus should transferred , configure how transfer occurs

now, remember, use custom focustraversalpolicy change way in focus moves between components, isn't desirable solution.

let's start basics...

    public interface autofocustransferdelegate {         public boolean shouldtransferfocus(document doc);     }      public interface autofocustransferobserver {         public void focustransfershouldoccur(document doc);     }      public class autofocustransferhandler implements documentlistener {          private autofocustransferlistener listener;         private autofocustransferdelegate delegate;          public autofocustransferhandler(autofocustransferlistener listener, autofocustransferdelegate delegate) {             this.listener = listener;             this.delegate = delegate;         }          @override         public void insertupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          @override         public void removeupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          @override         public void changedupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          public void checkfortransfer(document doc) {             if (delegate != null && delegate.shouldtransferfocus(doc)) {                 if (listener != null) {                     listener.focustransfershouldoccur(doc);                 }             }         }      } 

here have "delegate", used configure , customise decisions making process on when transfer should take place, "observer" notified when transfer should take place, allows decide "how" transfer should take place , documentlistener monitor document used query delegate , notify observer.

sure, wrap in single class, now, have simple , highly configurable solution don't need extend classes in order achieve new result (nit pick on part). it's basic example of composition on inheritance.

and might able use like...

focus me baby

import java.awt.eventqueue; import java.awt.gridbagconstraints; import java.awt.gridbaglayout; import java.awt.keyboardfocusmanager; import javax.swing.jbutton; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jpanel; import javax.swing.jtextfield; import javax.swing.uimanager; import javax.swing.unsupportedlookandfeelexception; import javax.swing.event.documentevent; import javax.swing.event.documentlistener; import javax.swing.text.abstractdocument; import javax.swing.text.attributeset; import javax.swing.text.badlocationexception; import javax.swing.text.document; import javax.swing.text.documentfilter;  public class test {      public static void main(string[] args) {         new test();     }      public test() {         eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() {             @override             public void run() {                 try {                     uimanager.setlookandfeel(uimanager.getsystemlookandfeelclassname());                 } catch (classnotfoundexception | instantiationexception | illegalaccessexception | unsupportedlookandfeelexception ex) {                     ex.printstacktrace();                 }                  jframe frame = new jframe("testing");                 frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);                 frame.add(new testpane());                 frame.pack();                 frame.setlocationrelativeto(null);                 frame.setvisible(true);             }         });     }      public class testpane extends jpanel {          public testpane() {             setlayout(new gridbaglayout());             gridbagconstraints gbc = new gridbagconstraints();             gbc.gridwidth = gridbagconstraints.remainder;              int maxcharacters = 8;             autofocustransferlistener listener = new autofocustransferlistener() {                 @override                 public void focustransfershouldoccur(document doc) {                     keyboardfocusmanager.getcurrentkeyboardfocusmanager().focusnextcomponent();                 }             };             autofocustransferdelegate delegate = new maxlengthautofocustransferdelegate(maxcharacters);             documentfilter filter = new sizefilter(maxcharacters);             documentlistener doclistener = new autofocustransferhandler(listener, delegate);              add(createtextfield(8, filter, doclistener), gbc);             add(createtextfield(8, filter, doclistener), gbc);             add(new jbutton("ok"), gbc);         }          protected  jtextfield createtextfield(int maxcharacters, documentfilter filter, documentlistener doclistener) {             jtextfield field = new jtextfield(maxcharacters);             abstractdocument doc = (abstractdocument)field.getdocument();             doc.setdocumentfilter(filter);             doc.adddocumentlistener(doclistener);             return field;         }      }      public class maxlengthautofocustransferdelegate implements autofocustransferdelegate {          private int maxlength;          public maxlengthautofocustransferdelegate(int maxlength) {             this.maxlength = maxlength;         }          @override         public boolean shouldtransferfocus(document doc) {             return doc.getlength() >= maxlength;         }      }      public class sizefilter extends documentfilter {          private int maxcharacters;          public sizefilter(int maxchars) {             maxcharacters = maxchars;         }          public void insertstring(filterbypass fb, int offs, string str, attributeset a)                 throws badlocationexception {              if ((fb.getdocument().getlength() + str.length()) <= maxcharacters) {                 super.insertstring(fb, offs, str, a);             }         }          public void replace(filterbypass fb, int offs, int length, string str, attributeset a)                 throws badlocationexception {              if ((fb.getdocument().getlength() + str.length() - length) <= maxcharacters) {                 super.replace(fb, offs, length, str, a);             }         }     }      public class autofocustransferhandler implements documentlistener {          private autofocustransferlistener listener;         private autofocustransferdelegate delegate;          public autofocustransferhandler(autofocustransferlistener listener, autofocustransferdelegate delegate) {             this.listener = listener;             this.delegate = delegate;         }          @override         public void insertupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          @override         public void removeupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          @override         public void changedupdate(documentevent e) {             checkfortransfer(e.getdocument());         }          public void checkfortransfer(document doc) {             if (delegate != null && delegate.shouldtransferfocus(doc)) {                 if (listener != null) {                     listener.focustransfershouldoccur(doc);                 }             }         }      }      public interface autofocustransferdelegate {          public boolean shouldtransferfocus(document doc);     }      public interface autofocustransferlistener {          public void focustransfershouldoccur(document doc);     } } 


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