javascript - Eventlistener for child window opened by extjs -
i have extjs code create window
var window = ext.create('ext.window.window',{ title : headermsg, width : 350, height : 250, layout : 'fit', plain : true, buttonalign : 'center', items : [{ xtype : 'box', autoel : { tag : 'iframe', src : 'some.asp', height : '100%', width : '100%', style : 'cursor:pointer;top:10px' } } ] });; } }));
in some.asp have button
<button class="stdbutton" onclick="windowclose();" id=button2 name=button2>
i dont know how create asp in fiddle created extjs please check followinf link :
imagine have button(button id: button2) on src : '';, , when click button should catch event in js thank
i should not made changes in asp adding onclick() function..etc
what tried adding
$("#button2").click(function() { alert("button2 clicked"); });
works in js fiddle didnot worked me
thanks in advance !!
try add script code html adding query:
<script src="jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>
your fiddle don't have it, query library being loaded fiddle webpage thats why works on fiddle.
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