android - available Devices google play -

how can know error of compatibility of device? image

exist log ?

compilesdkversion 23 buildtoolsversion "23.0.1" uselibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'  defaultconfig {     applicationid "xx.xx.xx"     minsdkversion 15     targetsdkversion 23     versioncode 19     versionname "1.2.2" } 

i solved lines :

<uses-feature     android:name=""     android:required="false" /> <uses-feature     android:name="android.hardware.location.gps"     android:required="false" /> <uses-feature     android:name="android.hardware.location"     android:required="false" /> <uses-feature     android:name=""     android:required="false" /> <uses-feature     android:name="android.hardware.telephony.cdma"     android:required="false" /> <uses-feature     android:name="android.hardware.telephony.gsm"     android:required="false" /> 


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