javascript - Custom edit menu Angular Dashboard Framework -
i'm working angular dashboard framework (sdorra) , change edit menu;
at default click on menu can add widget, edit dashboard, save , discard changes show below.
i add new icon new function, in particolar case, add duplication function of dashboard.
my html follow:
<div ng-app="isdashboard" ng-controller="dashboardcontroller" ng-init="init('$name','$id', '$sid')" style="color:#a60076"> <adf-dashboard name="dashboard" adf-model="dashboard.model" /> </div>
and controller is
'use strict'; var model = { rows: [{ columns: [{ styleclass: 'col-md-4', widgets: [] },{ styleclass: 'col-md-8', widgets: [] }] }] }; angular.module('isdashboard', ['adf', 'adf.widget.clock']) .config(function(dashboardprovider){ dashboardprovider.structure('4-8', { rows: [{ columns: [{ styleclass: 'col-md-4', widgets: [] }, { styleclass: 'col-md-8', widgets: [] }] }] }), dashboardprovider.structure('6-6', { rows: [{ columns: [{ styleclass: 'col-md-6', widgets: [] }, { styleclass: 'col-md-6', widgets: [] }] }] }) }) .controller('dashboardcontroller', function($scope, $http){ $scope.init = function(name, id, sid){ .... }; $scope.dashboard = { model: model }; });
i know there's possibility change menu example , won't solution.
is possible add item @ default menu?
thanks in advance
i solve problem, mixed solutions. first of created edittitletemplate
<h1> {{model.title}} <span style="font-size: 16px" class=pull-right> <a href ng-if=editmode title="custom item" ng-click=callevent('adfdashboardcustom')> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat adf-flip"></i> </a> <a href ng-if=editmode title="add new widget" ng-click=addwidgetdialog()> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> </a> <a href ng-if=editmode title="edit dashboard" ng-click=editdashboarddialog()> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i> </a> <a href ng-if=options.editable title="{{editmode ? 'save changes' : 'enable edit mode'}}" ng-click=toggleeditmode()> <i class=glyphicon x-ng-class="{'glyphicon-edit' : !editmode, 'glyphicon-save' : editmode}"></i> </a> <a href ng-if=editmode title="undo changes" ng-click=canceleditmode()> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat adf-flip"></i> </a>
at ng-click callevent function call. function added in library:
$scope.callevent = function(param){ $rootscope.$broadcast(param, name, model); };
the event handled dashboard this:
$scope.$on('adfdashboardcustom', function (event, name, model) { //dosomething }
i hope efforts useful someonelse.
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