java - decode and encode a json encoded array of coordinates using jackson -
i've built server in java accepts json encoded array of coordinates respresented array containg latitude , longitude.
so looks this
now need decode array of coordinate. coordinate com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.coordinate.
this array represents polyline transformed polygon. polyline hundreds of points long. need send polygon encoded in json client
until have used google gson, slow. json decoding , encoding takes more time polygon transformation.
after little googling got impression jackson should fastest.
but i'm php developer json decode , encode 1 line , first time writing java, have no idea how use it.
how decode json in coordinate[] array, , encode similar array json again?
if understood question, it's array of arrays. not sure approach here work (sorry don't have test environment here). however, works fine, array of objects:
objectmapper mapper = new objectmapper(); javatype type = mapper.gettypefactory().constructcollectiontype(arraylist.class, arraylist.class) ; list<list> results; try { results = (list<list>)mapper.readvalue(jsondata, type); coordinate[] coordinates = new coordinate[results.size()]; (int = 0; < list.size(); i++) { coordinates[i] = new coordinate(double.parsedouble((string)results.get(i).get(0)),double.parsedouble((string)results.get(i).get(1))); } } catch (jsonparseexception e) { } catch (jsonmappingexception e) { } catch (ioexception e) { }
i hope helps
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