qt - How to track mouse movements / single touch point with a MultiPointTouchArea in QML? -

a multipointtoucharea mouseenabled:true , minimumtouchpoints:1 doesn't appear support mouse movements when mouse button not pressed (tested on macbook air mouse , windows 10 mouse) nor single point touch events (tested on macbook air trackpad).

import qtquick 2.5  rectangle {     id: root     width: 800     height: 300      multipointtoucharea {         anchors.fill: parent         mouseenabled: true         minimumtouchpoints: 1         maximumtouchpoints: 10          onupdated: {             (var touch in touchpoints)                 console.log("multitouch updated touch", touchpoints[touch].pointid, "at", touchpoints[touch].x, ",", touchpoints[touch].y)         }     } } 

in above example, console output generated for

  • 2+ touch points
  • mouse button pressed
  • 1 touch point trackpad pressed

i have tried layering multipointtoucharea on mousearea , setting mouseenabled:false also. lets mouse click events propagate mouse positionchanged signals not received mousearea. end result same above.

is there way support:

  • 1+ touch points (including on trackpad)
  • mouse without button pressed


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