ios - Create new Dictionary from an existing by filtering some values -
ok, here problem.
i having arrays of objects(person class) added dictionary. each contains fullname , few other properties. created dictionary loop generating keys
nsstring -stringwithformat:@"person%d"
just ease lets dictionary looks
nsdictionary *dict=@{@"person1": @"ilena jennifer dcruz", @"person2":@"james bond", @"person3":@"skylark", @"person4":@"xan xiaa zuang ming"};
now, need dictionary first name of each person.
how can have that?
try one:
nsdictionary *dict=@{@"person1": @"ilena jennifer dcruz", @"person2":@"james bond", @"person3":@"skylark", @"person4":@"xan xiaa zuang ming" }; nsmutabledictionary *firstnamedict=[nsmutabledictionary new]; (nsstring *key in dict) { [firstnamedict setobject:[dict[key]componentsseparatedbystring:@" "][0] forkey:key]; } nslog(@"->%@",firstnamedict);
->{ person1 = ilena; person2 = james; person3 = skylarl; person4 = xan; }
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