javascript - Three.js Why renderer with viewport & scissor and I have a complete black canvas -
i have typical ui - 2 vertical windows. left canvas & renderer, right ui.
inside ui have special viewers, example simple top view window.
i have used viewports && scissors approach. works fine.
the question miss special parameter avoid complete canvas black-filled covers have (my ui) behind. expected viewport & scissors going let me have 'clean' areas (not filled) inside canvas. not....
the alpha approach ( renderer = new three.webglrenderer( { alpha: true } );
) fix don't know if best solution (what performance) or there way program (enhancement) related viewport & scissors.
if i'm going use viewports there no sense fill black.
(also main question ... if have viewport & scissor, why , fill canvas black ?)
it totally okay use this:
var renderer = new three.webglrenderer({ alpha: true });
it common approach can read here in answer
you can change color this:
renderer.setclearcolor( 0xffffff );
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