mysql - Create a last url column from current list of hits -
i have following columns:
hit_id, visit_id, timestamp, page_url, page_next
increments upwards visit_id
id of visit , unique each visitor timestamp
unix timestamp of hit page_url
page being looked @ page_next
page looked @ next
i to add new column, page_last
, previous page url go - should able extract page_url
, page_next
. not know why did not create column in first place, slight over-site really.
is there anyway fill column using mysql trickery? page_last
empty on initial hit on website (doesn't contain referrer website).
i find name page_last
ambiguous (does mean previous page? or last page on visit?). suggest change page_prev
the following comes close filling in, assuming no 1 visited same page multiple times in visit:
select h.*, hprev.page_url page_prev hits h left outer join hits hprev on hprev.page_next = h.page_url , hprev.visit_id = h.visit_id
if not true, need recent one. can using correlated subquery:
select h.*, (select h2.page_url hits h2 h2.visit_id = h.visit_id , h2.page_next = h.page_url , h2.timestamp < h.timestamp order timestamp desc limit 1 ) page_prev hits h
doing update bit tricky in mysql, because not able directly use updated table in update. but, following trick should work:
update hits set page_prev = (select page_url (select page_url hits h2 h2.visit_id = hits.visit_id , h2.page_next = hits.page_url , h2.timestamp < hits.timestamp order timestamp desc limit 1 ) h3 )
the trick works because mysql materializes views, creates "temporary table" containing necessary information update.
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