java - Menu Interface Student Record System -

i have partially working record system, i'm having trouble menu interface. basically, menu should allow to:

  1. add student
  2. delete student
  3. print students
  4. quit

now menu works fine i'm having trouble add student section. when add student require:

  • a prompt first name
  • a prompt surname
  • a prompt id number

when have done this, asks if want add another; if "y" entered, loops again, , if "n" entered goes main menu.

now on mine when press "n" nothing happens, , when press y, loops again won't let enter values first name.

here's code system:

/**  * @version 1.0  * @author parry2411   */ package student;  import java.util.scanner;      public class registryinterface     {          private registry theregistry = new registry();         scanner input = new scanner(;          public registryinterface(registry theregistry)         {         }          public void domenu()         {             boolean done = false;              while (!done)             {                 try                 {                     system.out.println("\nregistry main menu\n*******************\n");                     system.out.println("1. add student \n2. delete student"                             + "\n3. print registry\n0. quit");                      system.out.println("select option [1, 2, 3, 0] :>");                     string userdecission = input.nextline();                      int decission = integer.parseint(userdecission);                      switch (decission)                     {                         case 0:                             system.out.println("system closing down..");                             break;                          case 1:                             doaddstudent();                             break;                          case 2:                             dodeletestudent();                             break;                          case 3:                             doprintregistry();                             break;                          default:                             system.out.println("\nplease enter in valid"                                     + " menu option");                             domenu();                             break;                     }                     done = true;                 }catch(exception e)                 {                     system.out.println("incorrect value entered, try again....");                 }             }         }       private void doaddstudent()         {             string addmore;                         {                 system.out.println("\nadd new student\n***********\n");                  try                 {                     system.out.println("enter students forename :>");                     string fname = input.nextline();                      system.out.println("enter student surname :>");                     string sname = input.nextline();                      system.out.println("enter student id number :>");                     int idnum = input.nextint();                      theregistry.addstudent(new student(fname, sname, idnum));                  } catch (exception e)                 {                     system.out.println("\nerror occured: incorect value entered"                             + "\ntry again... \nstudent not added");                 }                   system.out.println("\nadd student (y/n) : >");                 addmore =;                } while (!"n".equals(addmore));         }          private void dodeletestudent()         {             string another;                         {                 system.out.println("\ndelete student\n***********\n");                 system.out.println("enter student id delete :>");                 try                 {                     int studid = input.nextint();                     theregistry.deletestudent(studid);                  } catch (exception e)                 {                     system.out.println("\nerror occured: incorect value entered"                             + "\ntry again...\n");                 }                  system.out.println("\ndelete another? (y/n)");                 =;               } while (!"n".equals(another));         }          private void doprintregistry()         {              system.out.println("\nprinting registry\n***********\n");              if(theregistry.studentlist.size() == 0)             {                 system.out.println("the student record system contains no student"                         + " records, please add students\n\n");             }             else             {                system.out.println(theregistry.format());                  system.out.println("\n****printing finished........");             }              domenu();          }     }

/**  * @version 1.0  * @author parry2411   */ package student;  import java.util.iterator; import java.util.linkedlist;  public class registry {     public linkedlist<student> studentlist = new linkedlist<>();     public iterator<student> iter = studentlist.iterator();      public registry()     {     }      public void addstudent(student astudent)     {         iterator<student> additerator = studentlist.iterator();          while (additerator.hasnext())         {             student ob =;             if (ob.getstudentid() == astudent.getstudentid())             {                 system.out.println("this student id "                         + ""+ astudent.getstudentid()+ " used"                         + "\n try adding again......");                 return;             }         }         system.out.println("student "+ astudent.getforename() + " "                 + "" + astudent.getsurname() +" "                 + "successfully added system.....");          studentlist.addlast(astudent);     }      public void deletestudent(int studentid)     {         iterator<student> deleteiterator = studentlist.iterator();         boolean removed = false;          while(deleteiterator.hasnext())         {             student ob =;              if(ob.getstudentid() == studentid)             {                 deleteiterator.remove();                 removed = true;                 system.out.println(ob.getforename() + " " + ob.getsurname() + " succesffully removed system. \n");             }         }         if(!removed)         {             system.out.println("student id not found");         }     }      public string format()     {         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();         iterator<student> formatiterator = studentlist.iterator();          while(formatiterator.hasnext())         {             student ob =;             sb.append(ob.format());               }         return sb.tostring();     }      @override     public string tostring()     {         iterator<student> tostringiterator = studentlist.iterator();         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();          while(tostringiterator.hasnext())         {             student ob =;             sb.append(ob.tostring()).append("\n");         }         return sb.tostring();     } } 

registry app

package student;  public class registryapp {      public static void main(string[] args)     {         registry theregistry = new registry();         registryinterface areginterface = new registryinterface(theregistry);         areginterface.domenu();        } }

/**  * @version 1.0  * @author parry2411  * date created: 18-mar-2013  */  package student;  public class student  {     private string forename;     private string surname;     private int studentid;       public student(string forename, string surname, int studentid)     {         this.forename = forename;         this.surname = surname;         this.studentid = studentid;     }      public string getforename()     {         return forename;     }      public void setforename(string forename)     {         this.forename = forename;     }      public string getsurname()     {         return surname;     }      public void setsurname(string surname)     {         this.surname = surname;     }      public int getstudentid()     {         return studentid;     }      public void setstudentid(int studentid)     {         this.studentid = studentid;     }      @override     public string tostring()     {         return getclass().getsimplename()+"{" + "forename=" + forename + ", surname=" + surname + ", studentid=" + studentid + '}';     }      public string format()     {         return string.format("%-5s %-5s \t\t %-5d \n",forename,surname,studentid);     } } 


change doaddstudent method way:

private void doaddstudent()     {         string addmore;                 {             system.out.println("\nadd new student\n***********\n");              try             {                 system.out.println("enter students forename :>");                 string fname =;//use next() instead of nextline()                  system.out.println("enter student surname :>");                 string sname =;//use next() instead of nextline();                  system.out.println("enter student id number :>");                 int idnum = input.nextint();                  theregistry.addstudent(new student(fname, sname, idnum));              } catch (exception e)             {                 system.out.println("\nerror occured: incorect value entered"                         + "\ntry again... \nstudent not added");             }               system.out.println("\nadd student (y/n) : >");             addmore =;            } while (!"n".equals(addmore));     } 

you getting error because of scanner.nextline() using .now question why?

scanner.nextline() described in official document is:

advances scanner past current line , returns input skipped. method returns rest of current line, excluding line separator @ end. position set beginning of next line. doesn't terminates allocated line of memory. when nextline() called via string fname = input.nextline(); after addmore =; after user inputs y terminating previous line had value in -- entered via next() rather taking in new string value.that's why skipping entry user . , in order carry on reading entered value rather previous blank line (because of non-termination of value returned next()) can use according official document states that:

finds , returns next complete token scanner.

should replace :

string userdecission = input.nextline(); 


string userdecission =; 


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