ios - Difference between UIsystemfonts -

i newbie learning obj-c. when typed following line

nslog(@"system fonts %@", [uifont familynames]) 

i got following output.

thonburi, "snell roundhand", "academy engraved let", avenir, "marker felt", "geeza pro", "arial rounded mt bold", "trebuchet ms", arial, marion, "gurmukhi mn", "malayalam sangam mn", "bradley hand", "kannada sangam mn", "bodoni 72 oldstyle", cochin, "sinhala sangam mn", "hiragino kaku gothic pron", papyrus, verdana, "zapf dingbats", "avenir next condensed", courier, "hoefler text", helvetica, "euphemia ucas", "hiragino mincho pron", "bodoni ornaments", "apple color emoji", optima, "gujarati sangam mn", "devanagari sangam mn", "times new roman", kailasa, "telugu sangam mn", "heiti sc", "apple sd gothic neo", futura, "bodoni 72", baskerville, "chalkboard se", "heiti tc", copperplate, "party let", "american typewriter", symbol, "avenir next", noteworthy, "bangla sangam mn", zapfino, "tamil sangam mn", chalkduster, "arial hebrew", georgia, "helvetica neue", "gill sans", palatino, "courier new", "oriya sangam mn", didot, "bodoni 72 smallcaps" 

i curious know why there quotes around font names multiple words?

thonburi vs "snell roundhand" 

nslog prints "-quotes, if more 1 word, make clear, string starts , ends. should defined in nsarray's description method, used when printing arrays of strings. thanks omz pointing out.

it has nothing fonts:

nsarray *strings = @[@"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", @"gubergren"]; nslog(@"%@", strings); nslog(@"%@", strings[0]); 


2013-03-24 22:18:42.922 stringprinting[22876:303] (     "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",     gubergren ) 2013-03-24 22:18:42.923 stringprinting[22876:303] lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 

if want print names without quotes, can print each name separately

[[uifont familynames] enumerateobjectsusingblock:^(nsstring *obj, nsuinteger idx, bool *stop) {     nslog(@"%@", obj); }]; 


thonburi snell roundhand academy engraved let avenir marker felt geeza pro arial rounded mt bold … 


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