db2 - SQL query that will retrieve set containing all entries from another set -

i have following relations in db:

organization: information political , economical organizations.
name: full name of organization
abbreviation: abbreviation

ismember: memberships in political , economical organizations.
organization: abbreviation of organization
country: code of member country

geo_desert: geographical information deserts
desert: name of desert
country: country code located
province: province of country

my task retrieve organizations have within members full set of countries deserts. organization can have countries without deserts. have set of countries deserts , every organization in result should have of them members , arbitrary amount of other (no desert) countries.

i tried far write following code, doesn't work.

with countrieswithdeserts (     select distinct country     dbmaster.geo_desert         ), organizationswithalldesertmembers (     select organization      dbmaster.ismember ism      (         select count(*)         (             select *              countrieswithdeserts                       except             select country             dbmaster.ismember             organization = ism.organization         )     ) null ), organizationcode (     select name, abbreviation     dbmaster.organization   ) select oc.name organization organizationcode oc, organizationswithalldesertmembers owadm oc.abbreviation=owadm.organization; 

upd: dbms says: "ism.organization not defined"
i'm using db2/linuxx8664 9.7.0

output should this:

african, caribbean, , pacific countries
african development bank
agency cultural , technical cooperation
andean group

i find easiest way handle using group by , having. want focus on deserts, rest of countries don't matter.

select m.organization ismember m join      geo_desert d      on m.country = d.country group m.organization having count(distinct m.country) = (select count(distinct d.country) geo_desert); 

the having clause counts number of matching (i.e. desert) countries , checks included.


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