plsql - Cursor and SUBSTR usage in procedure -
i need trim instance name complete dblink name .for example select query returns result need hhvisdev. , ofcourse there such multiple results. need use cursor , print final result. getting warning: procedure created compilation errors.
, when compile. , when call procedure getting error @ line 1: ora-06575: package or function deletedblinks1 in invalid state.
can 1 please guide me.
create or replace procedure deletedblinks1 cursor mycursor select substr(db_link, 1, instr(db_link, '.', 1, 1) - 1) dba_db_links; myvar dba_db_links.dblinks%type; begin open mycursor; loop fetch mycursor myvar; exit when mycursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(myvar); end loop; close mycursor; end; /
if see warning: procedure created compilation errors
, then, can guess, compile procedure in sql*plus. in sql*plus can run command
show errors
and see errors list. procedure looks ok, think problem - have no access dba_db_links
view. try use all_db_links
or user_db_links
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