ruby on rails - Trying to change environment variable within RSpec model spec -
i've got 1 user model has different validations based on environmental variable env['app_for']. can either "app-1" or "app-2". app-1 validates username while app-2 validates email address. here user model spec app-1:
require 'rails_helper' rspec.describe user, type: :model include shared::categories before env['app_for']='app-1' end context "given valid user" before { allow_any_instance_of(user).to receive(:older_than_18?).and_return(true) } {should validate_presence_of :username} end end
and user model spec app-2
require 'rails_helper' rspec.describe user, type: :model include shared::categories before env['app_for']='app-2' end context "given valid user" before { allow_any_instance_of(user).to receive(:older_than_18?).and_return(true) } {should validate_presence_of :email} end end
my problem environment variable isn't being set expect in before block. ideas on how this?
edit 1
here validation implementation. used concern extend user model with:
module topdogcore::concerns::uservalidations extend activesupport::concern included if env['app_for'] == 'app-1' validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: true elsif env['app_for'] == 'app-2' validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true end end end
try it
module topdogcore::concerns::uservalidations extend activesupport::concern included validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: true, if: -> { env['app_for'] == 'app-1' } validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true, if: -> { env['app_for'] == 'app-2' } end end
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