Parsing Json from URL in Android Studio -

i trying parse json. have lately been attempting use gson in android studio. however, can't seem obtain connection or data. data looking at, if ever obtain site this:

{"item":{"icon":"address_here", id=820","id":820,"type":"default", "typeicon":"catagory","name":"name of object", "description":"this annoying issue stuck on"}} 

i have been using async, no avail. perhaps new way @ good.

here's current code:

    public class javaparser extends asynctask<string, string, string> { public string getinternetdata() throws exception {     string surl = ""; //just string      // connect url using java's native library      try {         url url = new url(surl);         httpurlconnection request = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();         log.d("debug:", "made partial connection");         try {             request.connect();         } catch (ioexception e1) {             e1.printstacktrace();         }         log.d("debug:", "made connection");     }     catch(exception e){      }     return "failure"; } private string response = null;  @override protected string doinbackground(string...params) {     try {         response = new javaparser().getinternetdata();     }     catch(exception e){     log.d("error",e.getmessage()     );     }     return response; } 


in main class:

    string response = new javaparser().execute("url").get();        //eventually hope pass url here more dynamic         //convert json object print data         jsonparser jp = new jsonparser(); //from gson         jsonelement root = jp.parse(new inputstreamreader((inputstream) request.getcontent())); //convert input stream json element         jsonobject rootobj = root.getasjsonobject(); //may array, may object.          gson gson = new gson();         wrapper response = gson.fromjson(rootobj, wrapper.class);           log.d("out: ",rootobj.get("item\name").getasstring()); //just grab name info 

and wrapper looks so:

    public class wrapper   {  @serializedname("name") public string item_name;  @serializedname("icon") public string iconurl;  @serializedname("description") public  string item_description;  //more added if works 


the program ever makes partial connection. cannot seem line request.connect(); function whatsoever.

as turns out, permission in wrong part of manifest. needs near top, put such

    <manifest xmlns:android="" package=""> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" /> 


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