php - How to mock Auth in a Laravel 5.2 Modl -
i'm trying write unit tests brand new mini app. write functional tests me branching out try , mocking , stubs , things make code.
the model looks :
<?php namespace app; use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use auth; class mymodel extends model { public static function getuser() { $user = \auth::user(); return $user->adldapuser->cn[0]; } }
and test :
class mymodeltest extends testcase { public function testgetuser() { $mockresult = new stdclass(); $mockresult->adldapuser = new stdclass(); $mockresult->adldapuser->cn=array("test"); $auth = $this->getmock('auth'); $auth ->method('user') ->will($this->returnvalue($mockresult)); $this->assertequals('test',\app\mymodel::getuser()); } }
but when run unit test following error message :
there 1 error:
1) mymodeltest::testgetuser errorexception: trying property of non-object
/home/aidan/web/vagrant-web-dev/src/apps/orcid/app/mymodel.php:61 /home/aidan/web/vagrant-web-dev/src/apps/orcid/tests/mymodeltest.php:18
and if post out $user it's null.
what doing wrong here?
here go again answering own question half hour after asking it.
for prosperity's sake i'll leave here.
the answer in post here :
so replaced $this->getmock with
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