Azure Media services: storage encrypted rest api didn't work -
i using azure media services rest api create asset should storage encrypted.
the below steps successful:
1: created asset "options": "1"(storage encryption). 2: created content key contentkeytype":"1""protectionkeytype":"0". 3: associated content key asset created. 4: created asset file. 5: created access policy. 6: created sas url(starttime 5 minutes before current time). 7: uploaded file sas url correctly specifying file name(i did chunk upload blob storage). 8: deleted locator & acesspolicy.
- i not able encode asset.
- from blob storage, able download file , play. file not encrypted @ storage!
further inference
from docs - "if have unencrypted media wish encrypt prior upload should specify assetcreationoptions.storageencrypted when creating asset. encrypts media locally prior uploading azure storage stored encrypted."
from rest api reference ( -
storageencrypted = 1: specifies asset's files should encrypted on upload , storage when creating asset.
what mean providing storageencryption option telling system asset has been encrypted before uploading. .net sdk doing you, when using rest api have encrypt file before uploading.
you can @ see how encryption asset file implemented in .net sdk.
you have create content key , associate asset , use encryption. once have information system, azure media services able decrypt content during encoding other formats.
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