Pinterest style layout iOS storyboards -
i want create design :-
i using storyboards , cannot make thing work. have simple collection view of , works fine except cells show twice. there way can achieve not using library , having random heights cells?
this storyboard :-
public mycollectioncontroller(intptr handle) : base(handle) { } public override void viewdidload () { base.viewdidload (); data = makedataforrecyclerview(pageindex); } public override nint numberofsections (uicollectionview collectionview) { return 1; } public override nint getitemscount(uicollectionview collectionview, nint section) { return data.length; } public override void itemselected (uicollectionview collectionview, nsindexpath indexpath) { var message = string.format ("you clicked on {0}!", cell.title); new uialertview ("clicked", message, null, "okay", null).show (); } public override uicollectionviewcell getcell (uicollectionview collectionview, nsindexpath indexpath) { cell = (mycollectioncell) collectionview.dequeuereusablecell ("my_collection_cell", indexpath); var tag = data[indexpath.row]; cell.populatedata (tag.title, tag.thumbnailpath); return cell; } public override void itemhighlighted(uicollectionview collectionview, nsindexpath indexpath) { var cell = collectionview.cellforitem(indexpath); cell.contentview.backgroundcolor = uicolor.yellow; } public override void itemunhighlighted(uicollectionview collectionview, nsindexpath indexpath) { var cell = collectionview.cellforitem(indexpath); cell.contentview.backgroundcolor = uicolor.white; } public override bool shouldhighlightitem(uicollectionview collectionview, nsindexpath indexpath) { return true; } private models.dummymodel[] makedataforrecyclerview(int startposition) { list<models.dummymodel> listof4item = new list<models.dummymodel>(); (int = startposition * 4; < math.min((4 * startposition) + 4, appdelegate.mylist.count); i++) { listof4item.add(appdelegate.mylist.elementat(i)); } return listof4item.toarray(); }
public mycollectioncell (intptr handle) : base (handle) { } public void populatedata(string title, string placeholderurl) { //lbltitle.text = title; placeholderimg.setimage(url: new nsurl(placeholderurl), placeholder: uiimage.fromfile("ic_apptitle.png")); }
your problem in here:
public override nint numberofsections (uicollectionview collectionview) { return 2; // should 1 not 2 }
to set different sizes cells may add method:
public override sizef getsizeforitem (uicollectionview collectionview, uicollectionviewlayout layout, nsindexpath indexpath) { // return size want cell @ indexpath }
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