hybrid - How to route or proxy a link from a WAS Liberty Core running MFP 7.0 -
i have mfp 7.0 running liberty core. hybird mobile app accessing context root, https://hostname:10080/appname. want route or proxy internal api returns image. path protected basic authentication can access in same port, 10080.
ex. https://hostname:10080/appname/imageapi/image/name_of_employee
image api >> http://hostname:10002/internalapi/image/ want route here when accessing link above.
how configure on was's server.xml?
edit: added sample link image api service.
there no configuration-only mechanism in liberty act reverse proxy origin server.
you'd need create resource via servlet or webservices endpoint makes outbound http request in way or , uses response fulfill frontend request.
this range finding open-source reverse proxy servlet or writing own webservices client, apache httpclient, or httpurlconnection quick , dirty proof of concept.
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