WebGL pink error in chrome -

i trying write simple 'game' from side using pixie.js.

i tried run via google chrome, getting strange error:

enter image description here

what can solve it?


error in index.js:225 stands this:

iswebglsupported: function () {     var contextoptions = { stencil: true };     try     {         if (!window.webglrenderingcontext)         {             return false;         }          var canvas = document.createelement('canvas'),             gl = canvas.getcontext('webgl', contextoptions) || canvas.getcontext('experimental-webgl', contextoptions);          return !!(gl && gl.getcontextattributes().stencil);     }     catch (e)     {         return false;     } }, 

it's not error, user stated. it's welcome message appears default on page pixi.js library loaded.

if want hide message, can add page:

<script> pixi.utils._saidhello = true; </script> 


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