Error when updating ReactJS state with complex object -
when like:
getinitialstate: function() { return { previews: [], isloading: true, error: "", nextcursor: "" }; }, componentdidmount: function(){ $.ajax("/my-url", { method: "get", success: this.previewsreceived, failure: this.previewsfailedtoreceive }); }, previewsreceived: function(previews){ var tmpstate = { isloading: false, previews:, nextcursor: previews.next_cursor, error: "" }; this.setstate(tmpstate); }, previewsfailedtoreceive: function(_){ this.setstate(object.assign({}, this.state, { error: "", isloading: false, previews: [], nextcursor: "" })); },
i following reactjs error:
uncaught [object object]
on line 1093
in react.js library (in method invariant
if not passing complex object (inside previews
data) state however, not error.
any idea doing wrong?
edit: here whole component, addressing first answer, still same errors.
var creatives = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function() { return { previews: [], isloading: true, error: "", nextcursor: "" }; }, componentdidmount: function(){ $.ajax("/my-url, { method: "get", success: this.previewsreceived.bind(this), failure: this.previewsfailedtoreceive.bind(this) }); }, previewsreceived: function(previews){ var tmpstate = { isloading: false, previews:, nextcursor: previews.next_cursor, error: "" }; this.setstate(tmpstate); }, previewsfailedtoreceive: function(_){ this.setstate({ error: "", isloading: false, previews: [], nextcursor: "" }); }, render: function() { return <ul> { { return <li key={creative.tweet_id} style="width: 450px"> <input type="checkbox" style="float:left;margin-top: 10px" /> <creativepreview creative={creative} /></li>; }) } </ul>; } });
i following warning when call bind
warning: bind(): binding component method component. react automatically in high-performance way, can safely remove call. see creatives
edit2: found out removing of render method 'fixes' error. gonna post definition of component too:
var creativepreview = react.createclass({ render: function() { return <iframe id={ 'iframe-tweet-id-'+ this.props.creative.tweet_id } dangerouslysetinnerhtml={this.props.creative.preview}> </iframe>; } });
i don't think dangerouslysetinnerhtml
works want on <iframe>
you can populate directly creating ref
var creativepreview = react.createclass({ componentdidmount: function(){ var frame = react.finddomnode(this.refs.myframe); frame.document.body.innerhtml = this.props.creative.preview; }, render: function() { return <iframe ref='myframe' />; } });
the error in creativepreview
. try remove see if fixes problem.
side note: object.assign()
calls unnecessary react's setstate
. setstate
method automatically merge current state.
edit: seems react auto-bind this
component functions.
edit 2: can see creativepreview
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