ios - Twitter Digits 1.15.1 install error (Could not build module 'DigitsKit' || Use of undeclared identifier 'Digits') -
while installing digits 1.15.1 in ios app following errors occurs in appdelegate.m file:
- could not build module 'digitskit' @ import statement
#import <digitskit/digitskit.h>
- use of undeclared identifier 'digits' @
[fabric with:@[[digits class]]]
statement indidfinishlaunchingwithoptions
navigate project name -> build settings -> apple llvm 7.0-language-modules
set enable modules (c , objective-c) no (default - yes).
this solve both errors. show errors in digits.h file
solve errors
navigate digits.h
file , remove __tvos_unavailable
error statements
now build , run project generate error statements.
solve errors
navigate project name -> build settings -> apple llvm 7.0-language-modules
set enable modules (c , objective-c) yes (default - no).
build , run project , have fun.
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