- Multiple Notification on iOS -

the application sends multiple notifications every new item, how can one? here multiple notifications

when set notification @ time have save userinfo identify particular notification.

swift 2.0:

let dict:nsdictionary = ["id" : notifiuserinfoid]         localnotification.userinfo = dict as! [string : string] 

in above code have set specific value "id" key. , getting 1 use following code

swift 2.0:

    var arrnotification = nsarray()   arrnotification = uiapplication.sharedapplication().scheduledlocalnotifications!              notify in arrnotification             {                 let notification = notify as! uilocalnotification                 if let info = notification.userinfo as? [string: string]                 {                     if info["id"] == lblcurrentopeneventidonday.text                     {                         //get notification here                     }                 }             }         } 

hope you!!!


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