singly linked list - "Cannot find symbol - method add" error with LinkedList -
i'm trying use add method add elements linkedlist. code looks like:
/** * singly linked list. * * @author * @version */ public class linkedlist<t> { private listelement<t> first; // first element in list. private listelement<t> last; // last element in list. public linkedlist<t> asd; private int size; // number of elements in list. /** * list element. */ private static class listelement<t> { public t data; public listelement<t> next; public listelement(t data) { = data; = null; } } /** * test method returns true if following invariants hold: * <ul> * <li> size equals number of list elements, </li> * <li> if size == 0, first == null , last == null, </li> * <li> if size > 0, first != null , last != null, </li> * <li> if size == 1, first == last, </li> * <li> == null. </li> * </ul> */ public boolean ishealthy() { return false; } /** * creates empty list. */ public linkedlist() { asd = new linkedlist<t>(); } /** * inserts given element @ beginning of list. */ public void addfirst(t element) { asd.add(element); } /** * inserts given element @ end of list. */ public void addlast(t element) { } /** * returns first element of list. * returns <code>null</code> if list empty. */ public t getfirst() { // todo return null; } /** * returns last element of list. * returns <code>null</code> if list empty. */ public t getlast() { return null; } /** * returns element @ specified position in list. * returns <code>null</code> if <code>index</code> out of bounds. */ public t get(int index) { return null; } /** * removes , returns first element list. * returns <code>null</code> if list empty. */ public t removefirst() { return null; } /** * removes of elements list. */ public void clear() { } /** * returns number of elements in list. */ public int size() { return 0; } /** * returns <code>true</code> if list contains no elements. */ public boolean isempty() { return false; } /** * returns string representation of list. string * representation consists of list of elements enclosed in * square brackets ("[]"). adjacent elements separated * characters ", " (comma , space). elements converted * strings method tostring() inherited object. */ public string tostring() { return null; } }
the problem when try compile, generates "cannot find symbol - method add(t)" error message. can't see why wouldn't work, i'm new java i'd on this.
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