web config - How do I create a Rewrite Rule in IIS to temporarily conceal all PDF files? -
i've got pdf files sitting out on web server, , time being hide them (i.e. have them return 404s). can accomplished in web.config file rewrite rule?
in apache can this:
rewriterule \.pdf$ - [r=404,l,nc]
how accomplish same effect iis?
one way achieve using hiddensegments in iis. hiddensegments make urls inaccessible clients. also, iis return http 404
error client , log 404.8
http substatus.
<configuration> <system.webserver> <security> <requestfiltering> <hiddensegments> <add segment="pathofpages" /> </hiddensegments> </requestfiltering> </security> </system.webserver> </configuration>
edit 1: can use requestfiltering deny pdf extension clients. httpstatus sub code 404.7
would returned. requests pdf files denied.
from iis.net
in request filtering pane, click file name extensions tab, , click deny file name extension... in actions pane.
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