javascript - Angular: How to utilize Linky with contenteditable div -

i trying add clickable link contenteditable div of linky.

ng-bind-html = "model | linky"; 

i haven't been able make work ng-sanitize escapes links. here think happens:

  • text entered " "
  • linky wraps <a href=""></a>
  • ngsanitize escapes again potentially breaking linky's implementations

how can make work such links added div clickable , not escaped html? plunker


<body ng-app="customcontrol">     <h4>how add link contenteditable div?</h4>  <div contenteditable       name="mywidget"       ng-bind-html="usercontent"       ng-model="usercontent"       strip-br="true"       required>change me </div>   <span ng-show="myform.mywidget.$error.required">required </span>  <hr>  model: <p aria-label="dynamic textarea">{{usercontent}}</p> </body> 

js code:

app.directive('contenteditable', ['$sce','$filter', function($sce,$filter) {     return {       restrict: 'a', // activate on element attribute       require: '?ngmodel', // hold of ngmodelcontroller       link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) {         if (!ngmodel) return; // nothing if no ng-model          // specify how ui should updated         ngmodel.$render = function() {           element.html( $sce.gettrustedhtml(ngmodel.$viewvalue || ''));         };          // listen change events enable binding         element.on('blur keyup change', function() {           scope.$evalasync(read);         });         read(); // initialize          // write data model         function read() {           var html = element.html();           // when clear content editable browser leaves <br> behind           // if strip-br attribute provided strip out           if ( attrs.stripbr && html == '<br>' ) {             html = '';           }           ngmodel.$setviewvalue(html);         }       }     };   }]); 


currently, solving issue of autolinker

replace -



var autolinked =, "_blank"); ngmodel.$setviewvalue(autolinked); 

check out plunker


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