c# - Reflection.Emit: AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint does not set entry point -

i writing concatenative language in c#, , interpreted, want take next step: compiling. start on this, tried writing simple "hello, world!" program emitter using system.reflection.emit. code works without emit exceptions, when run generated "test.exe" file, throws exception

unhandled exception: system.missingmethodexception: entry point not found in assembly 'il_test, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null'. 

i have tried googling answer, no avail. perhaps here can me? (please) code wrote below:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.reflection; using system.reflection.emit; using system.io; using system.diagnostics;  namespace ilcompiletest {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             const string assembly_name = "il_test";              assemblybuilder assemblybuilder = appdomain.currentdomain.definedynamicassembly(                 new assemblyname(assembly_name), assemblybuilderaccess.save);             modulebuilder modulebuilder = assemblybuilder.definedynamicmodule(                 assembly_name);             typebuilder typebuilder = modulebuilder.definetype("program",                  typeattributes.class | typeattributes.public);             methodbuilder methodbuilder = typebuilder.definemethod(                 "main", methodattributes.public | methodattributes.static,                 typeof(void), new type[] { typeof(string[]) });             ilgenerator gen = methodbuilder.getilgenerator();              gen.emit(opcodes.ldstr, "hello, world!");             gen.emit(opcodes.call, typeof(console).getmethod("writeline", new type[] { typeof(string) }));             gen.emit(opcodes.ldc_i4_1);             gen.emit(opcodes.call, typeof(console).getmethod("readkey", new type[] { typeof(bool) }));              assemblybuilder.setentrypoint(methodbuilder, pefilekinds.consoleapplication);             file.delete("test.exe");             assemblybuilder.save("test.exe");              process.start("test.exe");         }     } } 

so, question is: how can set entry point main method define?

you missing call typebuilder.createtype(), definedynamicmodule must have exe name passed second parameter. full working sample:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.reflection; using system.reflection.emit; using system.io; using system.diagnostics;  namespace ilcompiletest {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             const string assembly_name = "il_test";              assemblybuilder assemblybuilder = appdomain.currentdomain.definedynamicassembly(                 new assemblyname(assembly_name), assemblybuilderaccess.save);             modulebuilder modulebuilder = assemblybuilder.definedynamicmodule(                 assembly_name, "test.exe");             typebuilder typebuilder = modulebuilder.definetype("program",                  typeattributes.class | typeattributes.public);             methodbuilder methodbuilder = typebuilder.definemethod(                 "main", methodattributes.hidebysig|methodattributes.public | methodattributes.static,                 typeof(void), new type[] { typeof(string[]) });             ilgenerator gen = methodbuilder.getilgenerator();              gen.emit(opcodes.ldstr, "hello, world!");             gen.emit(opcodes.call, typeof(console).getmethod("writeline", new type[] { typeof(string) }));             gen.emit(opcodes.ldc_i4_1);             gen.emit(opcodes.call, typeof(console).getmethod("readkey", new type[] { typeof(bool) }));             typebuilder.createtype();             assemblybuilder.setentrypoint(methodbuilder, pefilekinds.consoleapplication);             file.delete("test.exe");             assemblybuilder.save("test.exe");              process.start("test.exe");         }     } } 


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