HTML5 canvas line - how can I let them appear smoother? -
i want make lines have sharp edges, e.g. if use line write word. in photoshop can use brushes less sharp or can take high resolution , zoom out. there nice trick html5 canvas lines, too?
canvas.addeventlistener('mousemove', function(e) { = 'pointer'; if(this.down) { with(ctx) { beginpath(); moveto(this.x, this.y); lineto(e.pagex , e.pagey ); strokestyle = red; ctx.linewidth=1; stroke(); } this.x = e.pagex ; this.y = e.pagey ; } }, 0);
as you’ve discovered, when let user draw polyline mousemove end list of points draws jagged line.
what need is:
- reduce number of points
- keep resulting path true user’s intended shape.
so want go "before" "after":
the ramer-douglas-peucker polygon simplification algorithm
you can using ramer-douglas-peucker (rdp) polygon simplification algorithm. reduces “jaggedness” of polyline while keeping essence of intended path.
here overview of how rdp works , it’s capable of achieving:
and here javascript implimentation of rdp algorithm matthew taylor:
in matthew’s implimentation “epsilon” number indicating how closely want true original “jaggedness”.
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