javascript - Buttons that changes state to refresh Jquery -

i have sample:

code html:

<i class="fa fa-circle-o circle crad" id="radio"></i> <i class="fa fa-circle-o circle crad" id="radio"></i> <i class="fa fa-circle-o circle crad" id="radio"></i> <i class="fa fa-circle-o circle crad" id="radio"></i> <i class="fa fa-circle-o circle crad" id="radio"></i> 

code js:

 var firstbuttonobject = localstorage.getitem('class');        if(firstbuttonobject){             $('.crad').addclass(firstbuttonobject);               }         $('.crad').click(taskfunction);        function taskfunction(){              if ( $( ).hasclass( "fa-circle" ) ) {                   $( ).removeclass('fa-circle').addclass('fa-circle-o');                    localstorage.setitem('class', 'fa-circle-o');              }else{                   $(this).removeclass('fa-circle-o').addclass('fa-circle');                   localstorage.setitem('class', 'fa-circle');                 }         } 

the problem when click on button , ... colored refresh want stay clicked ...

for example, if click on 3 buttons of 5 full circle 3

how can solve problem?

thanks in advance!

          var defineclass = '';              $('.crad').each(function( index){                 defineclass = localstorage.getitem('class' + index);                 $(this).addclass(defineclass)                            });                             $('.crad').click(taskfunction);         function taskfunction(){               if ( $( ).hasclass( "fa-circle" ) ) {                    $( ).removeclass('fa-circle').addclass('fa-circle-o');                     localstorage.setitem('class' + $(this).index(), 'fa-circle-o');               }else{                    $(this).removeclass('fa-circle-o').addclass('fa-circle');                    localstorage.setitem('class'+$(this).index(), 'fa-circle');                  }              }

store class info based on index wise.


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