Dos - How to check Variable Name exist based on user Input? -
i have below batch code , want check when user type e.g. sb1 input, sb1 varialbe name exist. in case exist. if user type sx1 not exit.
@echo off set " -i 05" set " -i 13" set "qb1=hannlsqa1-1:30115 -i 01" set " -i 10" set " 03" set "wb1=hannlsqa1-1:30315 -i 03" set " -i 01" @echo off set /p sysid=please enter systemid: if "%sysid%"=="" goto error rem echo hello %sysid%, welcome dos inputs! goto end :error echo did not enter system id! bye bye!! :end
here's 1 way using for /f
run echo command expands sysid value in middle of expression expands value again.
@echo off set " -i 05" set " -i 13" set "qb1=hannlsqa1-1:30115 -i 01" set " -i 10" set " 03" set "wb1=hannlsqa1-1:30315 -i 03" set " -i 01" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set /p sysid=please enter systemid: /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`echo+!%sysid%!`) set val=%%i setlocal disabledelayedexpansion if not "%val%"=="" ( echo hello %sysid%, welcome dos inputs! ) else ( echo did not enter system id! bye bye!! )
note delayed expansion has unfortunate side-effect cannot include exclamation marks in echo commands while enabled.
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