vb.net - "object cannot be cast from dbnull to other types" when select sql query runs -
i looking more "object cannot cast dbnull other types" error. can't find possible answer resolve problem.
private sub button18_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button18.click 'query = "select sum(fuel) ttlfuel, sum(stationery) ttlstationery, sum(salary) ttlsalary, sum(v_part) ttlvp, sum(other) ttlother mcs.expenses datee between #" & dtpisf.value.tostring & "# , #" & dtpist.value.tostring & "" dim cmd = new mysqlcommand(query, con) dim dr mysqldatareader try con.open() dr = cmd.executereader() while dr.read() me.txtfuel.text = convert.todecimal(dr("ttlfuel")) ' me.txtstationary.text = convert.todecimal(dr("ttlstationery")) 'me.txtcollectorsalery.text = convert.todecimal(dr("ttlsalary")) 'me.txtvehiclepart.text = convert.todecimal(dr("ttlvp")) 'me.txtotherexpenses.text = convert.todecimal(dr("ttlother")) end while dr.close() con.close() catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message) try if (con.state = connectionstate.open) con.close() end if catch ex2 exception msgbox(ex2.message) end try end try
in program had button , coded sum of each columns. , special thing want filter these data between 2 dates date time pickers. (dtpisf , dtpist). data table name expenses. it's data rows @ least had 0 values. can ?
leaving aside other problems outlined in comments (eg - using command , sqlparamemters instead of dynamic string), think current problem make assumption fields:
(a) have value ,
(b) have right type of value stored convert data type want.
you use extension method work of checking (vb.net code below):
public module datarowextension <system.runtime.compilerservices.extension()> function getordefault(of t)(row system.data.sqlclient.sqldatareader, name string, [default] t) t if isdbnull(row(name)) return [default] else return ctype(row(name), t) end if end function end module
then, can use code set values:
me.txtfuel.text = dr.getordefault(of string)("ttlfuel", "")
or, decimal:
decimal myvalue = dr.getordefault(of decimal)("ttlfuel", 0) me.txtfuel.text = myvalue.tostring("#,##0.00")
in addition, turn on option strict in code. if do, you'll catch problems 1 @ compile time (instead of running them @ runtime). and, if can @plutonix give answer... go it.
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