c# - How do I get the desired amount via regex from the stated text lines -

how amount part following lines:

adcol upgde amnt – 1212 adcol upgde amnt – 123 adcol upgde amnt – 144 

the lines start following:

adcol upgde amnt –  

and amount added want fetch amount or digit.

so far tried adcol upgde amnt – ([0-9]) problem matches after digits if had:

adcol upgde amnt – 144somewords 

it catch also, want stop amount ends

int32 number =          int32         .parse(             regex             .match(                 input: "adcol upgde amnt – 1212",                 pattern: @"adcol upgde amnt – (\d+)")             .groups[1]             .value); 


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