Android animation-list oneshot not read from xml in Marshmallow -

i loading animation image view , loading animationdrawable so:

activity call

animationdrawable animationdrawable =      (animationdrawable) contextcompat.getdrawable(mcontext, r.drawable.my_animation); manimationimageview.setbackground(animationdrawable); 


<animation-list xmlns:android=""                 android:oneshot="true">     <item android:drawable="@drawable/my_animation_00" android:duration="@integer/100" />         ...     <item android:drawable="@drawable/my_animation_10" android:duration="@integer/100" /> </animation-list> 

the oneshot read , applied on test devices except nexus 5x running marshmallow. on device animation repeats indefinitely. since 1 shot false default in animationstate i'm guessing it's not being read.

i can set 1 shot in code fix it:


is happening else?

there doesn't seem bug here. might have been artifact of running android studio 2.0 preview 7. code working fine now.

uh, had slight ide malfunction, uh... everything's right now. we're fine. we're fine here now, thank you. how you?


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