swift2 - Actions buttons not showing up in local notifications ios 9.2 swift 2 -
i creating notifications in loop, relevant code is:
func application(application: uiapplication, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions launchoptions: [nsobject: anyobject]?) -> bool { appdelegate = self sernotificationtype = uiusernotificationtype.alert.union(uiusernotificationtype.sound).union(uiusernotificationtype.badge) let completeaction = uimutableusernotificationaction() completeaction.identifier = "complete" // unique identifier action completeaction.title = "clear" // title action button completeaction.activationmode = .background // uiusernotificationactivationmode.background - don't bring app foreground completeaction.authenticationrequired = false // don't require unlocking before performing action completeaction.destructive = true // display action in red let callinaction = uimutableusernotificationaction() callinaction.identifier = "callin" callinaction.title = "call now" callinaction.destructive = false callinaction.authenticationrequired = false callinaction.activationmode = uiusernotificationactivationmode.background callinaction.destructive = false let notificationcategory = uimutableusernotificationcategory() // notification categories allow create groups of actions can associate notification notificationcategory.identifier = "callinnotification" notificationcategory.setactions([callinaction, completeaction], forcontext: .default) //uiusernotificationactioncontext.default (4 actions max) notificationcategory.setactions([completeaction, callinaction], forcontext: .minimal) //uiusernotificationactioncontext.minimal - when space limited (2 actions max) application.registerusernotificationsettings(uiusernotificationsettings(fortypes: notificationtypes, categories: nsset(array:[notificationcategory]) as? set<uiusernotificationcategory>)) return true }
scheduling of notifications done in loop (and maybe reason wrong scheduling):
func schedulelocalnotifications() { let arrayofevents: [[meeting]] = calendarcontroller.sharedinstance.getallmeetings() //remove callin notifications anyway self.removeschedulednotifications() var limitcounter = 0 //limit 64 local notifications print("scheduling start: \(callin.settings.notifynumberofminutesbeforeevent)") var x = 0; x < arrayofevents.count; x++ { var y = 0; y < arrayofevents[x].count; y++ { let event = arrayofevents[x][y] if(event.starttime.timeintervalsincedate(nsdate()) > -2000 && limitcounter <= 64){ if(notificationsareallowed()){ let notification = uilocalnotification() let minutesbefore = callin.settings.notifynumberofminutesbeforeevent notification.firedate = event.starttime.datebyaddingtimeinterval(-minutesbefore * 60) //time of launch of notification if(minutesbefore <= 1){ notification.alertbody = "your \(event.title) start" }else{ notification.alertbody = "you have \(event.title) in \(int(minutesbefore)) minutes" } notification.alertaction = "ok" notification.soundname = uilocalnotificationdefaultsoundname notification.userinfo = ["title": event.title, "uuid": event.uuid, "callin": "callinnotification"] notification.category = "callinnotification" notification.applicationiconbadgenumber = 1 uiapplication.sharedapplication().schedulelocalnotification(notification) } limitcounter += 1 } } } }
ok, found problem , may useful in future:
i had
was called twice in 2 different places in application (because had setting in application, , needed alter settings page). when refactored, , called once, worked.
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