python - Calling a function using exec -

trying call function string using exec doesn't work. attached simple example code below.

i error square_it() missing 1 required positional argument: 'num.' know missing don't know how have argument in globals syntax.

below example:

def square_it(num):      result = num * num     return result  def test():      #code_globals = {}     globals()['square_it']()     code_locals = {'testing':0}     comd_str = "testing = square_it(2)"     exec(comd_str, globals(), code_locals)     print(code_locals['testing'])   test() 

the error isn't happening in exec call; it's happening in first line, when call globals. rest of code irrelevant.

calling function there exactly same doing other way; have calling parentheses, need put argument in there:



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