explode digits in batch possible? -
i trying make batch ip adres , remotly start commandline @ ip adress. user need put in 4 digit server nr. 4502 batch needs ip of server -> xxx.x45.x02.xxx
this got far :
@echo off set versie= versie-1.0 :menu1 title tool - menu cls echo. echo #################################### echo # 1. command starten # echo #################################### echo # 9. quit # echo #################################### echo ## %versie% ## echo. set input= set /p input=make choise: if "%input%" =="1" goto cmd_1 if "%input%" =="9" goto quit :cmd_1 title tool - command cls set /p fourdigits=give 4 digits call :getip %fourdigits% goto menu1 :getip if "%1"=="" :startcommand echo %1 shift goto :getip :startcommand psexec -i \\xxx.x%getip1%%getip2%.x%getip3%%getip4%.xxx -u username -p password /accepteula cmd goto menu1 :quit exit
i'm rather new @ language , hope can me whit this. (also hope i'm little bit understandable whit want do:)) helpfull pointers i'm doing wrong :)
thanks in advanced.
set /?
shows you, how extract substrings variable (the uses %path%
example, works every variable)
set fourdigits=4502 set firsttwo=%fourdigits:~0,2% set secondtwo=%fourdigits:~2,2% set lasttwo=%fourdigits:~-2% echo psexec -i \\xxx.x%firsttwo%.x%lasttwo%.xxx -u username -p password /accepteula cmd
, lasttwo
redundant; need 1 of them. wanted show different options.)
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