ios - swift : show another view controller on swipe up in first view controller -
hi checked many questions regarding swiping in have doubts .
in app have 2 pages 1. user view controller 2. question view controller
now want implement show questions view controller while swiping users screen bottom.
i new ios, me in achieving this.
the problem while swiping should start showing other view controller. if swiped till middle of screen finger still touching screen, should show 2 view controllers.can achieve using push/pop this
first you'll have add uipangesturerecognizer
"questions bar" can pan show questions view.
to handle multiple view controllers, can use container view controller:
var pendingviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller? { didset { if let pending = pendingviewcontroller { addchildviewcontroller(pending) pending.didmovetoparentviewcontroller(self) pending.view.frame.origin.y = uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds.height view.addsubview(pending.view) } } } var currentviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller? { didset { pendingviewcontroller = nil } } func showquestions(recognizer: uipangesturerecognizer) { if recognizer.state == .began { let controller = questionviewcontroller() // create instance of question view controller pendingviewcontroller = controller } if recognizer.state == .changed { let translation = recognizer.translationinview(view) // insert code here move whatever want move question view controller view += translation.y recognizer.settranslation(cgpointzero, inview: view) } if recognizer.state == .ended { // animate view it's location } }
something this. typed manually there might mistakes.
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