ios - Scrolling down UIScrollView when selecting upper UITextField -
i having scrollview, contentview, has 5 uitextfields. have implemented adjustforkeyboard:
func adjustforkeyboard(notification: nsnotification) { let userinfo = notification.userinfo! let keyboardscreenendframe = (userinfo[uikeyboardframeenduserinfokey] as! nsvalue).cgrectvalue() let keyboardviewendframe = view.convertrect(keyboardscreenendframe, fromview: view.window) if == uikeyboardwillhidenotification { scrollview.contentinset = uiedgeinsetszero } else { scrollview.contentinset = uiedgeinsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: keyboardviewendframe.height, right: 0) } scrollview.scrollindicatorinsets = scrollview.contentinset }
of course have set observers:
override func viewwillappear(animated: bool) { // add observers keyboard let notificationcenter = nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter() notificationcenter.addobserver(self, selector: "adjustforkeyboard:", name: uikeyboardwillhidenotification, object: nil) notificationcenter.addobserver(self, selector: "adjustforkeyboard:", name: uikeyboardwillchangeframenotification, object: nil) }
it works fine when select textfields down when select upper textfield, moves few pixels. how should change method?
changing bottom contentinset not make scrollview scroll. sets buffer @ bottom, if scroll way bottom have more room scroll.
you want modify contentoffset of scrollview , animate contentoffset change. you'd this:
var contentoffset = scrollview.contentoffset contentoffset.y = contentoffset.y + (however want move) scrollview.setcontentoffset(contentoffset, animated: true)
that let scroll both , down depending textfield selected.
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