python - Scrapy not getting date as item argument -
i have code, want add item argument current date, i've found different solutions on web keep getting typeerror: 'str' object not callable or typeerror: 'itemmeta' object not support item assignment
my code this:
datascrape = time.strftime("%d/%m/%y") #also tried str( item['dataoggi'] = datascrape() #i tried datascrape without ()
how can item argument date of scrape?
updated code:
from bot.items import botitem import time class netbotspider(scrapy.spider): name = "netbot" allowed_domains = [""] start_urls = ( ' ) def parse(self, response): stati = response.xpath('/html/body//div/table/tbody//tr//td//img//@title').extract() numeri = response.xpath('/html/body//div/table/tbody//tr[2]//td/text()').extract() in range(1, len(stati)): item = botitem() datascrape = time.strftime("%d/%m/%y") botitem['dataoggi'] = datascrape botitem['state'] = stati[i] botitem['number'] = numeri[i] print botitem
typeerror: 'str' object not callable
you should not calling datascrape
- string:
item['dataoggi'] = datascrape
typeerror: 'itemmeta' object not support item assignment
this, means trying add field item class, not instance. replace:
item = botitem() datascrape = time.strftime("%d/%m/%y") botitem['dataoggi'] = datascrape botitem['state'] = stati[i] botitem['number'] = numeri[i]
item = botitem() datascrape = time.strftime("%d/%m/%y") item['dataoggi'] = datascrape item['state'] = stati[i] item['number'] = numeri[i]
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