javascript - how to call the function in the specs - Protractor -
i write script under module:
var enter_search = function () { this.clicksearch = function (value) { element('searchbutton')).click(); }; this.waitelementfound = function (value) { var ec = protractor.expectedconditions; browser.wait(ec.presenceof(value), 35000); }; }; module.exports = new enter_search();
and call function on spec, wrote this:
var search = require('enter_search'); var loadtxt = element ('text')); it('waits element', function(){ search.waitelementfound(loadtxt); search.clicksearch(); });
when execute test, gives me error undefined function. not sure went wrong. thanks
to use functions 1 file in another, should export function , require in other file. here's example -
file test.js
var search = require('./helper.js'); var loadtxt = element('text')); it('waits element', function(){ search.waitelementfound(loadtxt); });
file helper.js
var waitelementfound = function (value) { var ec = protractor.expectedconditions; browser.wait(ec.visibilityof(value), 35000); }; module.exports = new waitelementfound(); //export function
hope helps.
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